What did Jesus mean when He said, “The kingdom of God is within you”?In Luke 17:20–21, Jesus says, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For...
When She's Not Been BlessedToday, I watched the Father bring healing to some spiritually wounded women. With years of neglect from those they serve and scars from...
Father, Heal My Sinful HeartAs I looked at this today, what flashed across my mind was the outward picture of the inside of the human heart; fractured and...
Jesus Continually Pointed Us to Our FatherGod loves you more than I can even begin to express. But I want to tell you, in fact I want to tell everyone, the life I came to know...
Coming Home to the Father - Neal Lozano"We all have a longing for a home. I remember the first time I came home from college after being away for four months. I walked around...
If My Wounds Were Visible"Narcissistic abuse is covert, and often disguised as love and care, but it’s anything but. It’s not a single act of cruelty like an...
I vowed,"It's Never My Turn"I recently faced in my own prayer counseling session how deep the inner-vow “It’s never my turn” was buried in my heart and eventually...
Christianity Without GodIf you know me, you know I’m not a big fan of motivational and inspirational messages about being stronger, because all I see is...
A Tribute to John SandfordIt’s funny. The people that have shaped my thinking the most have been John’s. John Wimber, John Paul Jackson, and John Sandford. From...
Love That Makes Us WholeI want to note the difference between deliverance and healing as they relate to human restoration. Believers too often want to be...